The Zodiac Werewolf
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The Zodiac Werewolf by Anni Lee


November 1st: Scorpio: Your hot and cold exterior can be exciting for a while, but eventually you're going to have to fess up to your real feelings. Otherwise, you might risk losing everything you care about...

Ever since Jasper rejected Professor Chase King at the Full Moon Masquerade, his teacher has been avoiding him completely. Chase won't answer texts, he ignores him in class, and he's even taken to flirting with Lindsey!

Fed up with their spoiled connection, Jasper confides in Nate, who sets up a self-care retreat to help Jasper get over the professor. But when a southern storm and a fever decide to ruin Jasper's weekend, the Scorpio's care might be what he really needs.

The werewolves of the legends were nothing like this.

When every month threatens a different transformation, will Jasper be willing to accept the risks that being with the professor entails?

This is a sexy and dark story of a once innocent college boy and his dangerous shifter alpha professor. Each installment features a different Zodiac Sign transformation and creative ways to use it! If you enjoyed the steam of
 Fifty Shades of Grey, the hot and dangerous Werewolves of The Vampire Diaries, and love Male Male Romance, you'll love the Zodiac Werewolf!

Capricorn (Available Now!)
Aquarius (Available Now!)
Pisces (Available Now!)
Aries (Available Now!)
Taurus (Available Now!)
Gemini (Available Now!)
Cancer (Available Now!)
Leo (Available Now!)
Virgo (Available Now!)
Libra (Available Now!)
Scorpio (Available Now!)
Sagittarius (Available Now!)
Ophiuchus (Available Now!)
The Zodiac Werewolf: The Year of the Rabbit (Coming Soon!)

Zodiac Werewolf Fairy Tales also Available Now!
Say My Name (A Rumpelstiltskin Retelling)
My Little Wolf (A Little Red Riding Hood Retelling)