The Chronicles of Aveline
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The Chronicles of Aveline by Ken Fry


Struck by the sword of injustice, driven by love and loyalty…
An unlikely heroine is born.

From the bestselling author of The Lazarus Succession and The Patmos Enigma, The Chronicles of Aveline is an unforgettable historical thriller. A saga of love, history, adventure, and suspense.



12th Century, England
In the time of Saladin
Before The Third Crusade...

It is the year 1181, and an ageing, battle worn, Sir Philip Fitzwilliam contemplates the changes the last Crusade inflicted on the landscape and on his estates.

The weathered grey bricks of Froulingham Manor look down the valley, the nearby woods and a countryside decimated by holy wars, where once men dwelt, but never returned from the religious
hatred and conflict the Holy Land inflicted upon them.

Sir Phillip, concerned by rumours of a shifting balance of power favouring Saladin’s Muslim armies in the Holy Land, fears yet another conflict.

He contemplates the future of his estates, and those of his two sons, Giles, his favourite, the other Raymond, an aspirant monk, and his beloved, gifted daughter... Aveline.

Aveline who thrived in the pursuits of men, skilled with a bow and arrow, and destined to be married off to a suitable man someday.

Aveline, who discovered the joys of love, to her own, and her lover's detriment. Persecuted by the Church and separated from her lover and family.


The Chronicles of Aveline is the epic tale of a young woman’s incredible courage and loyalty even in the most desperate circumstances. A captivating story of family, love, heartbreaking trials, deception, and one woman's determination to reclaim everything that was taken from her.

Get your copy and experience this turbulent time with a most unlikely heroine. One you'll find hard to forget.


Other Titles by Ken Fry:

The Lazarus Continuum
The Lazarus Succession (UK #1 Religious Mystery Bestseller)
The Patmos Enigma (UK #1 Christian Fantasy Bestseller)
The Brodsky Affair
Disjointed Tales: A Collection of Eccentric Short Stories
Red Ground: The Forgotten Conflict
Suicide Seeds: A GMO Thriller
Check Mate
Is That You, Jim? (Free)

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