Strapped In: A bdsm, blindfolds, butt plug, bondage, cane, abduction, cuffs, dominant, female domination, femdom, FFm Stories
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Strapped In: A bdsm, blindfolds, butt plug, bondage, cane, abduction, cuffs, dominant, female domination, femdom, FFm Stories by Anna Whip

Phillip spread her legs, placed her lower legs in the cups provided and fastened them to the ankle straps. After he had also fixed her hands and her neck and also her body to the chair with a wide belt, she asked him anxiously. "Phillip tell me what you're up to right now or untie me right now." And in his short, dry way, looking her straight in the eyes, he answered. "First I'll shave you. Because if there's one thing I don't like about a woman, it's body hair.” Nathalie cursed, tugging wildly at her bonds. "You will subdue yourself. I want you to untie me immediately. You can't just make me defenseless and then use the opportunity for your perverted lusts. Untie me right now! I command you!” she yelled, realizing the ridiculousness of her own words at the same time. "I think your chances of giving orders are slim at the moment. But dear Nathalie, to make one thing clear from now on. You had plenty of opportunity to abort our scenario the whole time. You didn't use the time and I'll tell you why. The situation captivated you. You wanted to see how far I would go. And the situation excited you. Should I check?”