BY EASTERN WINDOWS : From the soft hills of Scotland to the rugged ranges of India, a man torn between two Nations and two loves. (A Biographical Novel) (Macquarie Series Book 1)
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BY EASTERN WINDOWS : From the soft hills of Scotland to the rugged ranges of India, a man torn between two Nations and two loves. (A Biographical Novel) (Macquarie Series Book 1) by Gretta Curran Browne



  1. "Browne writes in lush detail, evoking the people, places, and cultures of Scotland, India, and China in the late 18th century. She also displays great skill in expressing the subtleties of human emotions, from the tenderest passion to the deepest grief. Lachlan will experience both. Highly recommended." -- READERS' FAVORITE
  • BY EASTERN WINDOWS is the story of a young British officer, Lachlan Macquarie, who is posted to India where he meets Jane Jarvis, a young girl from the Caribbean - different, exotic and exciting - who becomes the greatest love and the greatest tragedy of his life.

  • Set in the beauty of Scotland, the magic of India, and the hostility of China, peopled with memorable characters of all races. While back in Scotland, on the Isle of Mull, Elizabeth Campbell can't forget the young lieutenant whom she loved on first sight, even though she was only twelve at the time. Now she is growing, and still wondering about him.

  • It is also the story of the young soldiers who travelled with Lachlan to India, far from home, serving their king in a country they came to love, while coping with the complex differences between East and West.

“Fabulous and heartbreaking … fresh and authentic in every detail … it has to be the best book I have read about the British in India since M. M. Kaye’s "The Far Pavilions" – Dr Aileen Keegan.

  1. His true life story reclaimed from History by the author, Lachlan Macquarie is an admirable protagonist, a young man of dependable and steadfast character, well-liked by those under his command as well as those he serves. The plot introduces a cast of characters which crosses cultural and religious lines." -- 5 Stars. Reviewed By Kimberlee J Benart for READERS' FAVORITE

"What a fabulous and amazing story. This book reminded me of other epic stories like Gone with the Wind. I couldn't wait to see what happened next in the characters' amazing lives. Gretta Curran Browne is a storyteller for the ages." --- J Leonard - BOOKBUB